Breakaway Impact Shields are possibly the best bait clip ever made. When fitted correctly they give virtually guaranteed release every cast and also protect the bait, both during the cast and on impact with the water.They are simple to use and a must have accessory for the beach angler who ties his own rigs. Wishbones, pulleys, loop rigs, cascade rigs and ordinary clipped down rigs all work perfectly when fitted with an impact shield. Each pack comes with tubing and full instructions for correct use.
Breakaway Impact Shields are possibly the best bait clip ever made! When fitted correctly they give virtually guaranteed release every cast and also protect the bait, both during the cast and on impact with the water. These clear Impact Shields are just like the original black Impact Shield but moulded in clear plastic. If you are after shy fish and want to make your rig as inconspicuous as possible then using these clear Impact Shields may help to increase your chances.
A Streamlined, releasable bait clip that will hold the your hook bait close to the sinker! This version of the Alpha Bait Clip is to be used just above your lead link on your rig. Full Instructions in each packet. Very simple to assemble and yet a very effective way of holding your baited hook behind your sinker. Each packet contains 10 Alpha bait Clip Set-ups (ABC Sliders, ABC Bait Clips, Crimps and Beads).
A Genie Rig Clip, bent so that it hangs parallel to the main line. Used as a pulley clip for a long snood, as a bait clip on a 'clip up' rig or as a secondary snood bait clip.
Genie Pulley Clips are ideal for rigs that require a clip down snood that is longer than the main body. Placed high on the rig, the snood feeds up and over the pulley clip and down again to the bait. Designed to ensure the line is released every time! This pulley clip is based on the Genie Bent Rig Clip, this pulley clip is particularly suitable for 'straight through' rigs where the clip takes the strain of a powerful cast. Each pack contains 5 pulley clip set-ups (Swivels, Spacers, Bent Rig Clips, Beads.
Genie SRT Pulley Clips are ideal for rigs that require a clip down snood that is longer than the main body. Placed high on the rig, the snood feeds up and over the pulley clip and down again to the bait. Designed to ensure the line is released every time! Based on the Genie SRT Spring, this pulley clip holds the snood line in place under tension against the bait clip. Automatically releasing the line when hook is released from the bait clip upon impact with water.
We all love to clip our rigs down. Whether it be clipped up, clipped down, single or multiple snoods, a clipped down rig allows us to deliver hook baits at distance. The Gemini Juno Bait Clip can be used in numbers, anywhere, on the main rig body. Rather than simply clipping a hook bait down (which can often lead to hook baits releasing during or mid-cast), these compact clips lock the hook bait down until impact with water, making them ideal for off the ground casting
A revolutionary bait clip that will not only clip your baited hook behind the sinker, but lock it in place until impact with water. Great for off the ground casting and streamlining your rigs during flight.
A revolutionary bait clip that will not only clip your baited hook behind the sinker, but lock it in place until impact with water. Great for off the ground casting and streamlining your rigs during flight.
A fantastic small and neat combined swivel and bait clip which has revolutionised the tying of clip down multi hook rigs. The cascade has proved immensely popular with match anglers and some of the most popular modern traces such as the three hook cascade rig and loop rig rely upon the cascade swivel to work correctly. Instructions included.10 per pack
Breakaway Imps And Fast links , The Imp is a clever little devil, and that's just what it is, a small neat bait clip that fits into the fast link and can be added or removed from rigs during fishing. Since its introduction the Imp has found fame in the U S A. Australia and South Africa, because of this we have modified the fast link to make it stronger so it can cope with 50lb hook lengths and wire snoods.
Trident Kicker is a basic bait clip primarily designed to fish larger baits over rough ground, its simple design and inexpensive price tag makes it ideal for fishing in venues where tackle losses might be high. Suitable for all aerial casting styles and a wide range of hook sizes.